One size fits all is one of the worst phrases a person can hear, for almost anything, except T-shirts.
Mr. Skeptical smirks, “Why?”
“Because the concept forgets that we’re individuals. What may work for one human won’t work for another. When I hear one size fits all marketed to me, I automatically get suspicious and turned off, and it’s for a good reason.”
Subconscious Fat at 30,000 feet
Mr. Skeptical’s eyes narrow. “Hmph, give us an example.”
“When I was studying to become a chiropractor, I visited a lot of successful chiropractors. Most of them were very busy seeing lots of patients. Many of them performed the same adjustments on every individual. They adjust the neck, craaaack. Then put the person on the side for the lower back, craaaaaack. Then have them lay face down and crack, crack in the middle of the back.”
“So, what’s wrong with that.”
“They were doing the same procedure for every patient. I didn’t think it was the best way to adjust someone. Other chiros would take their time to decide where to adjust, and they adjusted less, but it appeared more effective.”
“I’m sure some people simply liked getting cracked in multiple areas of the spine.”
“I’m sure some did. However, when you study the different adjustment techniques within chiropractic, it’s always much more specific. You’re supposed to take your time to find the right area to adjust. And if the same bone keeps going out of alignment, there’s an underlying cause. Simply hitting it back into place on every visit isn’t the best way to fix it. Using the same adjustment technique on everyone isn’t giving individuals the best care possible. In other words, one size doesn’t fit all.”
Subconscious Fat at 10,000 feet
“Now, as a trainer, I see the same thing happening. New trainers think in their minds that they have the best workout routine, so they repeat that routine with everyone, which is not a good idea.”
Mr. Skeptical shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know. I still like the concept of one size fits all. It seems more practical.”
“For group training, a one size fits all concept could work. But if one is being trained one on one, then it should be much more customized and individual.”
“It seems like that would require more work.”
“Yes, it does, and humans tend to be lazy. But as a consumer of chiropractic or personal training, it’s to your advantage to demand individual care. When starting a new client, we experiment with different exercises and machines. For example, when doing a squat, some individuals simply can’t do it right. For some, putting a lift on the heels (like a 5-pound weight to lift the heel) makes all the difference. It can remove lower back pain from squatting.
“Then there’s the ab wheel. This causes some to have lower back pain, and if it does, I stand on the back of their feet, which often eliminates the pain, making it easier to do.”
Mr. Skeptical interjects, “Did your son need you to stand on his feet?”
“No, we staged the pic to demonstrate the point.”
“Well, I’m ensuring our readers aren’t deceived by any images you post.”
He’s so irritating. “I wasn’t trying to deceive anybody.”
He snaps back. “And I’m verifying that you’re not.”
I sigh, remembering that I need to meditate more.
Subconscious Fat at Eye-Level
A ones size fits all mentality can also subconsciously seep into how we see others, especially others who aren’t like us, creating and leading to racism.
“Now you’re talking about stereotyping.”
“Yes. Humans naturally stereotype, and we need to be careful with it. It leads to many false conclusions. I heard a story of a mother and daughter robbed at gunpoint in their home by two black men. The mother and daughter weren’t physically harmed, but they were tied up. It was very traumatic for them.”
“Yes, as I imagine getting robbed at gunpoint would be.”
“The burglars were eventually caught. However, months later, the eight-year-old daughter went to the movies with her mom. The theater was filled, so they had to sit beside two black men. The daughter was scared, but the mother took the time to educate her not to stereotype. After getting therapy, the mother introduced her daughter to black men on purpose to help her overcome the trauma of getting robbed so that she wouldn’t grow up being racist.”
Practical Suggestions and Conclusions
Always know that individuals are different, avoid stereotypes, and know that labels are just that. Know that any new product out will soon have an improvement because one size doesn’t fit all. Especially demand this in medical care. One drug doesn’t work the same with everyone.
Have you met the nicest person ever but then saw them drink alcohol and they turn into the devil himself? One size doesn’t fit all.
Be aware that everyone, including yourself, is a unique individual.