Before I start writing about whether fiber is good for you, I want to remind you how the United States’ first president died. He died because medical science thought that bloodletting was the best way to treat his symptoms and sore throat.
The human body holds about 4.7 to 5.5 liters of blood. According to Katie Serena, who wrote The Gross History Of Bloodletting And Medicine By Leeches, George Washington was bled out 3.75 liters of blood, over half of his blood. Other sources suspiciously say it was a 40% loss of blood.
I don’t think it really matters. The point is medicine was very wrong at the time.
Mr. Skeptical sighs loudly. “What does this have to do with whether fiber is healthy or not?”
“A lot. Just because an idea is popular and touted everywhere doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Before I get into this debate, I want to mention one of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein.”
“Common sense is what tells us the Earth is flat.”
Subconscious Fat at 30,000 feet
Fiber being good for you is mostly a myth.
“What?!! Must you always be contrarian?”
“No. Let’s start by stating when fiber is good for you. The fiber in fruit is good for you because the fiber prevents a quick sugar uptick. Drinking lots of fruit juice can lead to becoming pre-diabetic. However, if you eat the fruit, much less so.”
“What about fiber for constipation, decreased heart conditions, and better-looking skin?”
“It’s all a myth. It all goes back to love and money making the world go round.”
Mr. Skeptical slams his fist down on the table. He’s furious! I’ll admit, I’m enjoying upsetting him.
Subconscious Fat at 10,000 feet
“Mr. Skeptical! Don’t slam your fist on my table! You’re having cognitive dissonance. Just because the American Heart Association and other medical entities say we should eat lots of fiber, doesn’t mean they’re correct.”
“Why would most MDs say fiber is good for you when it’s not?”
“Good question. Let’s analyze the facts. Fiber was popularized by a famous surgeon named Dr. Dennis Burtkitt. He saw patients in Africa and noticed that they ate lots of fiber and they had less incidence of bowel problems and colon cancer. So, he hypothesized that fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer and other bowel problems. Since Dr. Dennis Burkitt made other significant medical contributions, everyone assumed he was right.”
“You’re saying he was wrong?”
“I’m not saying it. The research is saying it. The New York Times: Fiber Does Not Help Prevent Colon Cancer, Study Finds says
The percentage of patients who developed colorectal cancer was relatively consistent among the five groups. But there was one curious finding: When the researchers teased apart the cancer rates according to the type of fiber the women ate, it appeared that those who ate the most vegetables actually increased their risk of colon cancer by 35 percent. But Dr. Fuchs said that finding was probably the result of chance.
''The effect was small but statistically significant,'' Dr. Fuchs said. ''I don't make much of it. I certainly would not tell anybody to be concerned about vegetables.''
“That’s contrarian to everything I’ve ever heard about fiber.”
“I know. It’s why I started this post with how the first US president died. I knew a couple who were close friends. They ate many vegetables, going through phases over the years, from vegetarian to pescatarian. They thought they were eating well. They both died of colon cancer.”
“That’s terrible.”
“It is. Humans have been wrong before and shall be again. However, money is involved here because food manufacturers who produce products with fiber (like cereals and oatmeal) have a huge financial incentive to keep the public believing that fiber is healthy. However, putting fiber in cereal doesn’t make it better. We shouldn’t be eating cereal anyway because of the wheat grains. See why here.
Subconscious Fat at Eye-Level
I have had gut issues, and I remember specifically eating plant-based fiber bars and then feeling worse afterward. I remember the frustration I felt, asking myself why is this happening.
So, when I started researching and discovering that fiber isn’t always good for you, it made sense because I had experienced and felt that myself. However, now, there are plenty of MDs and research studies that show fiber isn’t always beneficial. And it makes you fart more too.
Medical doctors like Dr. Anthony Chaffe discuss how fiber can cause micro-abrasions in the gut lining.
“Wait. Isn’t Dr. Chaffe from Australia?”
“He’s American, but he lives there.”
“Who would live in Australia with all the deadly snakes they have? They also have huge crocodiles and great white sharks. I don’t trust anyone from Australia.”
Do you see readers what I have to put up with from Mr. Skeptical?
“Plenty of other doctors and scientists claim fiber is way overhyped as being beneficial, like Paul Saladino, Ken Berry, and Paul Mason.”
Practical Suggestions and Conclusions
You don’t need to eat fiber at all. Nevertheless, keep in mind there are situations where eating more fiber will make you go to the bathroom quicker. I’ve also experienced that. However, humans evolved with a digestive system resembling a carnivore. See the post where I put an image of our digestive system compared with that of a carnivore and herbivore here.
Keep in mind any research study can be biased and made to appear a certain way or greatly exaggerated. Ultimately, we should also listen to our bodies and our innate intelligence. When I continued with stomach problems after eating more fiber, I started to understand fiber doesn’t live up to the hype.
Be aware.
I was on a ketogenic diet for several years trying to heal my IBS. Again and again doctors would tell me I needed more fiber. I would make the most beautiful green leafy salads w lots of herbs and spices. They were delicious, and at the time I felt nutritious.
My IBS got worse, so I would add beans in an effort to boost my fiber. Every time I did this my IBS got worse. I was literally a bloody mess. Blood on my stools every bowel movement for two years.
Finally, I found a book titled “fiber menace” and everything clicked. It was the fiber! The fiber was tearing my colon up. Causing hemorrhoids, and scarring my rectum. God knows what else. So I prayed.
I remembered the carnivore diet. So I searched YouTube and found Dr Ken Berry.
Later I asked my husband to watch Dr Ken Berry. I told him I needed his support. That I didn’t want him to think I lost my mind. I needed him to know where I was coming from.
I had no more weight to lose. I was actually underweight because every time I had a flare I had to rest my stomach and that meant at least a three day fast.
So, I committed to ninety days.
On day six my husband said, “I want to go carnivore too. I emptied out the kitchen of all the stuff not on carnivore diet. Only kept the salt and white pepper.
That was two months ago.
So far… my IBS and bloody stools are no more. It’s gone!
My arthritis is gone!
My mind is clear! I see thing much more clearly. No brain fog! I’m happier and I completely decluttered my home.
My husband had a stroke and this has helped with that.
He also has Alzheimer’s and it has helped that too.
On day six he completely stopped drinking beer. Huge surprise as he has been a lifelong drinker and would quit for nobody. Said he didn’t want it. Didn’t have a taste for it.
His COPD is gone! He was on six breathing treatments a day, and would not ever leave the house without his rescue inhaler. He no longer needs that inhaler!
For the first time in his life he is sleeping through the night. His sleep cycles are fantastic.
He said he will be a carnivore for the rest of his life. He can’t believe all he has to do was eat meat and fat.
We still can’t believe it, and our friends think we are crazy. But they are watching. They are watching us thrive.
I’m 61 years old and my husband is 65. We still have much healing to look forward to. We are hopeful. We pray for healing and practice gratitude everyday.
We started going to church on Sunday.
I had been asking my husband to take me to church for over a decade. Carnivore has brought us both closer to god. We are so grateful for this.
It’s all so unbelievable. This has definitely been a red pill discovery. We can never look at the world the same again. We’ve all been lied to.
Fiber is the root of evil. It’s pure evil. If I kept listening to the doctors I’d most likely end up with colon cancer. I never had it checked out because I didn’t want them doctors anywhere near my colon.
While I was waiting on carnivore to do its thing I used 20/80 DMSO/coconut oil for relief. It worked right away. Instant relief!!
Nothing else could do that!
Sending peace and love.
Thank you for writing this. I really appreciate you letting me comment.
Great food for thought