When I was fourteen years old, I hurt myself trying to do a weighted squat. This happened while I was training for football. No one taught me how to squat correctly. The low back pain led me to visit a chiropractor, which eventually led me to become one.
Mr. Skeptical adds, “So you’re saying that it wasn’t what you did but how you did it that caused the back pain. You got hurt because you did an exercise without any guidance.”
“Yes…that’s true to a point. Saying it’s not what you do but how is true for a while. There comes a point where ‘how’ is no longer good enough.”
Mr. Skeptical leans back and folds his arms. “This sounds a little confusing.”
“Allow me to explain.”
Subconscious Fat at 30,000 feet
As a human reaches the age of 40 and older, doing squats is vital. It’s critical because so many daily activities involve using the squat muscles. That said, there’s a massive difference between doing a weighted squat and only your body weight.
Doing weighted squats is much riskier than doing them without. Look at the image below. The young man is doing a free-weight squat. In my opinion, this is risky. I never ask my clients to do a squat this way. Why take risks?
Mr. Skeptical’s face takes on a disturbed look. “To me, it seems you’re short-changing your training clients. What if I want bigger thighs? I want to get my pump on. I want to lift the heavy weight.”
“Do so at your own risk. It’s not happening if I’m training you. I not only hurt myself doing squats, but for the 22 years that I was a chiropractor, I saw a lot of patients come in due to back pain from weighted squatting. There are other safer ways to do a weighted squat.”
Subconscious Fat at 10,000 feet
The problem with squats is that you always pay a price in the lower back or the knees. There is no way to avoid this. See pics below.
When the knee goes over the toes or the lower back is bent forward, it’s okay if it’s only your body weight. But with added weight, there’s a much higher risk of injury.
Mr. Skeptical interrupts, “Where are you friends?”
I glare at Mr. Skeptical. This is an inside joke; see here for joke.
Subconscious Fat at Eye-Level
In the picture above, my client Sean is doing a weighted squat on the Smith Machine. The Smith Machine allows one to start with the feet way forward, which keeps the knees behind the toes and lower back under the weight. Using the Smith Machine makes a weighted squat much safer.
Another safe alternative is using bands. When low in the squat, the band resistance is low or gone, so it’s safe for the lower back and knees.
Practical Suggestions and Conclusions
Mr. Skeptical gets up, giving me a disgusted look. “Using bands and the Smith machine seems wimpy to me. It’s like you’re a girlie man.”
I glare back at him. “Who are you? Arnold Schwarzenegger?”
Mr. Skeptical walks out, slamming the door. I chuckle.
In conclusion, it’s not what you do but how–and the equipment available. Be smart when working out and take the safest path. When doing weighted squats, use the Smith Machine or bands.
Be aware.
PS Full disclosure: Chat GPT was used to research and enhance this post.I’d like to extend a special thank you to my training client, Sean Robinson. His handle on Instagram is @robbosmr
PSS For those in the Miami area: Join us TOMORROW for the next MeatUP and Resistance Band Training Meet-ups here and here.